2020 April BOD Meeting Notes
Courtesy of Liisa Sorsa
Courtesy of Liisa Sorsa
Courtesy of Sandra Bach
Courtesy of Sara Seravalle
I was asked to redo a graphic recording for a local organization with a strong focus on community building and creative placemaking. Since then, they'd added two initiatives and had some updates update the chart. One of those updates involved the unleashing of a small herd of goats on a stretch of publicly owned land as a low-cost maintenance solution. "What good way to get rid of unwanted growth," I thought. I was about to write GOOD RIDDANCE on the page and suddenly it occurred to me how similar the word GOOD was to GOAT. "Goat Riddance!" I chuckled to myself.
In the world of COVD-19, most people who can are now working from home and all businesses are looking for virtual solutions, particularly when it comes to communication. Our role as visual practitioners is hugely valuable in supporting people through new communication methods - more so than ever, actually.
The answer to the question of who to follow during a pandemic, in short, is whomever you choose. But the longer story begins a long, long time ago. As a child, I spent a great deal of time indoors because of a serious asthma diagnosis. Anything could set it off–strenuous activity, fresh-cut grass, cigarette smoke, pet dander, feathers, pollen, heat. So I stayed inside and learned how to draw and craft. It was fun. Once I made a "proton pack" out of cardboard and pretended to be a ghostbuster and ran around saying, "I ain't afraid of no ghost!"
In 2016 I was asked to scribe for a large YP conference. They were expecting 300 people at a local casino. The plan was to feature the scribing on stage with the presenters and on screens around the venue. That plan required several, too-big-for-my-Hyundai, foam core boards. I accepted the challenge and added the date to my calendar.
Notes provided by Sue Fody.
Notes thanks to Kristine Neckelmann Abbott.
Notes thanks to Suni Gayle