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26 Letters Studio LLC - Sarah Spencer's blog

ANNOUNCING! Keynote Chris McGoff

Keynote Chris McGoff will be sharing with us how to Gain insights into using visual tools to help successfully implement change while navigating uncertainty, fostering intentional cultures, and driving peak performance.

Join us for the 2024 IFVP Summit 
July 30, 2024 to August 2, 2024

Montclair State University
Montclair, New Jersey, USA

Cheers in the New Year!

As this new year and my second term on the board of directors for IFVP starts, I reflect on the last two years and the upcoming years ahead. With our three new board members, I am excited about the fun we will have and the work we will accomplish. We have a wide range of expertise among us and a lot of passion going into this year.

IFVP Southwest Regional Meeting

We had the inaugural meeting of the IFVP Southwest chapter last week. Everyone was engaged and we had a great gathering. People from all over the Southwest region (UT, CO, NM, AZ) were invited. We look forward to growing our community in the coming months and years. 


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