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Philip Bakelaar's blog

Our strategic planning work

Hello IFVP friends! This is my first blog entry since taking on the president role from Sunny (big shoes to try to step into!). I'm grateful for the way the Board of Directors has been working to think through the evolving mission of the IFVP. So many things have changed in the 25 years since a few gathered in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our field has expanded globally and we now have members working together in agencies and interrally in corporations.

#drawing4peace in solidarity with Ukraine

This is a request that goes out to all VISUAL PRACTITIONERS around the globe 
 get your markers, pencils, stylus, iPads, bamboo pads ready and sketch to support peace in Ukraine.
 visualization is our tool spread the sketch and use #drawing4peace 
 raise your visual voices - be creative, dream or just share your emotions - and show what´s all possible
 IFVP - International Forum of Visual Practitioners

IFVP Institute October Update

Hello! I'd like to tell you about the IFVP Institute in this blog and invite you to consider how you might participate in our work!

Our current board is composed of four IFVP members.

IFVP Institute December update

UPDATE FROM THE IFVP INSTITUTE: We are holding monthly meetings and recently welcomed two new board members. Carlo Gilmar joins us from Mexico City and brings a connection to young professionals. David Sibbet joins us from Petaluma, and brings us a connection to the founding and development of our practice.

My favorite graphic (from the last few months)

Early in the COVID restrictions Holger offered some trainings on making the virtual pivot in our work. I've valued his trainings and support in the field over the years, and was pleased with my visual notes from his zoom call. 

IFVP Institute notes from March

The IFVP Institute board met the first Saturday in March for our regular monthly meeting. In true visual form, we worked from a mind map that our secretary Raquel turned into a masterpiece of visual recording! We are all a bit preoccupied with adjustments in this crisis time, but there are some points of progress.

Scariest Moment (or one of many!)

I was drawing for a major business conference at Rutgers Business School in 2016 when the discussion turned to innovative entrepreneurs in Mexico. There was much discussion of different places and I wanted to draw Mexico quickly. Google images on iphone to the rescue! It is hard to search and listen at the same time!

Bakelaar December board profile

Hello visual community! What a wonderful gathering of amazing people. I’m very grateful to have been welcomed into this community and am glad to offer what support I can for the practice.


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