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From the IFVP's 20th Annual Conference, AustinTX 2015:
Sara Heppner- Waldston, moderator;
Sophia Liang, Tim Hamons, Donatella Pastorino and Renatta Algalarrondo, Kelvy Bird - graphic recorders/panelists
Have you ever wondered if there is a right way or a wrong way to graphic record? This session gives a live demonstration of how every visual practitioner has a unique visual approach and style of capturing the same content. Afterwards, these five graphic recorders share, individually and collectively, how they listened and synthesized what they heard.
Here's the video of the session from the AustinTX 2015 conference:
dilzaibali_25503 replied on Permalink
About Writing
This is so interesting.I read about this conference on a dissertations services also but they didn't share the video of it.Glad i read your post.Keep it up!