Save the date of October 22-24, 2021!
Different meet-ups are taking shape with ideas on how to host the groups across the world. I am continually amazed and impressed by the intention, care, and desire to connect in meaningful and generative ways that contribute to doing and learning, reflection, and integration of our field work. This is one of the many of the reasons I love our community of practitioners so much.
Here is an update on what we've got currently. Please reach out to the local organizers if you want to help an existing effort or reach out to to discuss starting your own.
East Coast hosted by Rachel Thompson and Brian Tarallo of NOVA Scribes
They are on track to host a 1.5 day in person event. They plan on hosting up to 100 in-person with an open space concept. The focus will really be around connection and "rekindling". Registration will open soon.
They are on track to host a 1.5 day in person event. They plan on hosting up to 100 in-person with an open space concept. The focus will really be around connection and "rekindling". Registration will open soon.
Bay Area hosted by Trent Wakenight of The Grove Consultants, and Leslie Salmon-Zhu
This San Francisco Bay Area event is focused on linking together Bay Area practitioners. Offerings may include both in-person and virtual options, and a one-day event. There are openings for planning team members, event advisors, and presenters. Contact Leslie and Trent to join in!
This San Francisco Bay Area event is focused on linking together Bay Area practitioners. Offerings may include both in-person and virtual options, and a one-day event. There are openings for planning team members, event advisors, and presenters. Contact Leslie and Trent to join in!
Latinoamérica hosted by Reilly Dow and Carlo Gilmar
The team is thinking virtual and entirely in Spanish and welcomes all Spanish speakers. They've sent out a survey to collect feedback for Latin VPs - share your perspectives, Latinos!
The team is thinking virtual and entirely in Spanish and welcomes all Spanish speakers. They've sent out a survey to collect feedback for Latin VPs - share your perspectives, Latinos!
Canada hosted by Laura Hanek
The team there likes the idea of keeping it simple and is thinking virtual for a few hours and an in person dinner for those in the Ontario region. More information to come!
The team there likes the idea of keeping it simple and is thinking virtual for a few hours and an in person dinner for those in the Ontario region. More information to come!
South Africa hosted by Lita Currie
The Africa contingent of the IFVP is making good progress! They will feature speakers like Ben Crothers, Sam Bradd, Brandy Agerbeck and Martin Haussman and will host a online networking event for visual practitioners. Their session will be virtual.
Viet Nam hosted by Chun Lee
The Vietnamese sketchnote group with meet virtually and will feature various visual practitioners from around the world to speak and teach.
The Vietnamese sketchnote group with meet virtually and will feature various visual practitioners from around the world to speak and teach.
China hosted by Phil Guo and a team of volunteers
The China IFVP team has opened registration for their live, in-person/hybrid conference. China will also feature various visual practitioners who are leaders in the field as well.
The China IFVP team has opened registration for their live, in-person/hybrid conference. China will also feature various visual practitioners who are leaders in the field as well.
More to come. We are in talks with a few other groups who want to a host a local meet-up and we will announce it soon. Again, if YOU are keen to host a meet up in your region, reach out to
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Leah Silverman replied on Permalink
Regional Meet-up list has grown
To see all the regions that are joining us please visit