This time of year, when we say goodbye to Board members, is always sad. Even though the directors didn’t get to meet in person in 2020 and 2021 we’ve had terrific bonding experiences over zoom and through messaging. We’ve also had our share of misunderstandings and miscommunications. I like to think that those ruffled feathers have made us stronger and even more committed to make things better for our IFVP community.
We are losing the brilliance, passion, and dedication of Brandon Black, Wendi Pillars, Miryam Artolla, and Kim Dornisch to make room for the next round of elected directors. So, some words of gratitude are in order.
Thank you, Kim, for all those board meetings where you tried to keep us on track and accountable for the projects we prioritized. I have to say how happy I always was to see what bed-head hairdo you would show up with in our monthly meetings. Always in arm with gin and tonic. Haha, your sweet kittens Gin and Tonic!
Thank you, Wendi, for your wisdom in helping us see there is more than one way to approach an issue. And for the informative blogs you posted to help members navigate their IFVP profiles. Those will live on as valuable resources.
Thank you, Miry, for your never-ending happiness and enthusiasm and for the endless hours you are putting into organizing the 2022 Bilbao Summit. While not official yet, we appreciate your offer to step down to spend even more time on the Summit as the date draws nearer. Stay tuned, all, as plans are finalizing!
Thank you, Brandon, for taking over the treasurer position from me. I met you several years ago on a team project centered around poverty in Cincinnati where I was fascinated with your graphic recording artistry. As I’ve come to know you, I will always appreciate your perspective of inclusivity and diversity. I know that Sunny and I tested your reaction time in covering your sweet daughter’s ears when a curse word might erupt. We’ll miss Ellery smiling and singing to us as much as we’ll miss you.
As we are opening up board nominations – members, please nominate yourself or someone else by filling out the application https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6W97ZRY -- I don’t want to overlook the talent and diligence of our board who are continuing their volunteer service. You’d think that showing up every month to talk about IFVP for a few hours wouldn’t be so hard, but the board is constantly working behind the scenes to keep the organization alive. Speaking of keeping IFVP going, a huge shout out here to Launa Post who is not a board member but serves as our membership coordinator – thank you, Launa, for caring so much about the IFVP family.
To our remaining directors, thank you:
- Sven, for your inquisitive nature and questioning if we are focusing on the right things.
- Sabine, for leading us into a new way of thinking about how we prioritize our objectives and our meeting process.
- Chrissie, for reminding us of the importance of board culture norms and how we treat each other.
- Tamara, for insights into our Latin American members and coordinating Spanish presenters for Online Learning Series.
- Elena, for your passion around reorganizing our website to be better structured for member engagement.
- Phil G, for navigating through all the time zone and technology restrictions while you operate in China. Your recent hard work on organizing the China conference deserves so much more than a mere thank you. Congratulations on the meeting success and giving IFVP such high visibility!
- Neha, for taking over my current role as vice president as I move over to the secretary position. Your calm demeanor and soft-spoken word don’t fool us – I know you get things done as evidenced by your take charge attitude and willingness to be supportive.
- Phil B, aka DrB, for taking over the IFVP presidency and knowing that you’ll be herding cats (or as someone once mentioned, herding fleas!) For all the time maintaining the mechanics of our website and membership issues. For your dedication to the IFVP Institute. For your patience. For your big grin in those brief moments when you can relax. I hope the whole board will back you up enough so we can see more of your smiles.
And last, but certainly not least… Thank you Sunny, my sunshine, my friend. You have guided us through some exciting times and some rocky intervals. You are a terrific leader. I am so happy your terms as board president hasn’t burnt you out and that you are staying to take part in our new adventures.
The door hasn’t closed to those who are leaving this year and to those who have served over the past years. I am excited to see who will rotate into our midst, but the ideas and projects of our former directors are still with us and their voices are always welcome.
And members, a special thank you for being part of this family of visual practice. The door is always open for your contributions to help build our community with your ideas and volunteerism.
- Leah Silverman's blog
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Thank you Leah, for keeping
Thank you Leah, for keeping us focused on our why!