In September 2022, I put out a class on an online platform called Skillshare. I had spent months distilling what I learned about conceptualization in architecture school and making all of that as easy to understand as possible.
That class ended up being Staff Picked by Skillshare and because of it, I was invited into an exclusive teachers' club on the platform where I'd receive benefits like guidance with making my videos, resources for improving my shots and entry to competitions.
It was also when I was introduced to the world of visual facilitation. I didn't know there was a name for what I did until someone who saw the introduction to my Skillshare class asked me if I knew about it. That's when I found out that there were people who made entire careers out of the topic I touched upon in my class.
There were books, dedicated stationery, lingo, best practices, forums (like the IFVP) and communities of people who were excited about the idea of visual thinking. I saw that there were overlaps between the drawings I saw in books like the Bikablo visual dictionary and the architecture books I spent years with, and it was creepy to see visual expressions that were similar to the ones I'd been using.
I don't know how it'd taken me so long to find out about this world! It was like a universe that existed parallel to the world of architecture that I was so familiar with.
It's been almost a year since then and I'm still collecting the contacts of people who're excited about communicative drawing. I don't know what we can do if we come together and form a club here in Ethiopia, but I'd like to see where this goes.
- Winta Assefa Weldekiros's blog
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Welcome to the world of Visual Practitioners!
Thank you for this wonderful story Winta. We love origin stories...we all have them and they are so fun to hear. I am Sarah Spencer of 26 Letters Studio in Phonix Arizona US. I serve on the board of IFVP and want to also thank you for being a member of this organization. Your membership is valued and we hope you gain inspiration, insight and friends as you move further into your visual practice journey. Reach out any time with questions, and take advantage of the Online Learning Series where you can watch recorded content and learn a wide variety of subjects in our field.
Thank you, Sarah!
Oh hey. This is weird—I didn't expect this post to get so many responses on my first post. I just looked up your site (it's verry pretty) and followed you on Linkedin & Instagram. Thank you for this warm welcome and introduction, there.
(you have my sister's name, by the way)
Congratulations Winta!
It sounds like you this field were destined to find one another! If you'd ever like to have a chat with an enthusiastic long-time fellow practitioner, write me at leslie@conferenceartsand insights.com!
I look forward to us staying in each other's orbits
Just sent you an email, Leslie :)
I look forward to stealing some tricks from you and hearing more about what it's like in this warm, peculiar, little community.
much appreciation for the global perspective
Winta, thanks for helping us hear your experience, it helps us to stay better connected to the work of visual practice in places where the growth is just beginning.
Thank you, especially (!)
I had no idea this piece would come across several of you here so quickly. Thank you, actually, for going out of your way to follow up with me, getting me into a community with a level of warmth that's rare on the internet and encouraging me to share. I'll be lurking around here more, for sure