Submitted by Leah Silverman on
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Watch the opening Keynote address from Day Two July 25 of the 2020 IFVP Virtual Conference
Submitted by Leah Silverman on
Watch the opening Keynote address from Day Two July 25 of the 2020 IFVP Virtual Conference
Thank you, IFVP!
Thank you for making this available to all. I appreciate the opportunity to address the IFVP community, and I look forward to imagining the future of visual collaboration with you!
I'd like to note that in the video I am introduced as the Head of Product at MURAL. That honor belongs to Agustin Soler. I am the Head of Learning Experience (LX) and my team works closely with our product, partner, marketing and customer success teams to expand the MURAL service with a variety of real time and self-paced tools and trainings. If you have a unique method or practice that works well in virtual sessions, please feel free to reach out to my team, or to me in LinkedIn: