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Art Career Theorem :: For Artists and Art Coaches

Art Career Theorem :: A art career coaching program you can learn in a day and use for a lifetime.

Do you wish you could live the art life you dream of? 
Do you have some or all of the skills, resources, and inspiration to do so, or do you need help in some areas? 
Would you like to learn how to coach yourself through the creative process? Or how market your work in a way that aligns with your values? 

Regardless of your art medium, this 2-day workshop offers artists the opportunity to assess their current art life and make plans for the art life they desire.

Class description can be found in this short video:

 Learning objectives/outcomes:

  • Learn to self-assess your current state and build a vision for your desired art/life.
  • Apply Art Career Theorem (ACT) to your art practice so that you may continue to reenvision and “level up” using practical methods that help you succeed in areas you need to improve so you can enjoy the time you create.
  • Create a marketing plan for your art: project, upcoming exhibition or general creation/practice.

PreworkPrior to the workshop, artists are asked to complete a series of self-assessments that identify their values, art-making practice/habits, and current marketing efforts.

Day OneIdentifying strengths, goals, and the role of art in our lives will be the key focus for day one. The models and techniques offered in this class can be applied to serve artists throughout their art career and life.

Day TwoBased on the foundation set in day one, we will explore marketing approaches that are inline with artists’ values and goals. Artists will identify the resources available to them so they may “level up” their game in different areas of their art-making practice.

Follow UpAs a support mechanism and incentive to continue on your art path, you are invited to participate in a monthly accountability cohort. This opportunity is lightly structured, highly interactive, and free of charge. Each session will include topics for discussion that pertain to artists living the art life and an opportunity to share successes, lessons learned, and resources.

The ACT model grew from 15 years of experience working with artists through community art centers, art publishing and career coaching. Heather Leavitt Martinez, an artist herself, uses graphic facilitation to coach artists through a series of self-assessments and exercises that increases self-awareness and guides artists to set values-based goals, make decisions, and sustain the art life they want to live.



Many thanks to the Colorado Creative Industries and National Endowment for the Arts for recognizing the value of Art Career Theorem by granting the Career Advancement award to grow the program into a train-the-trainer program. 

If you are an artist who would like to learn more about becoming a visual practitioner or an arts coach, please DM me. I am creating a curriculum that helps artists advance their career As visual consultants and you could position yourself to be a leader in the field.






Event Date and Time: 
Saturday, January 27, 2018 - 9:30am
Event Location: 
802 East 2nd Avenue
Durango, CO 81301
United States
Event Type: 