(Here is a recent video in which President Sunny Benbelkacem and board member Nitya Wakhlu discuss board service questions nominees might have)
IFVP Board Director
The IFVP Board of Directors is composed of leaders who are dedicated to our mission of supporting and promoting the visual practitioner along with growing the professional field. Serving on the IFVP Board is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about advancing the worldwide community of visual practitioners.
Our board members champion the importance of visual practice and believe that it is a profession, a community-oriented capacity, a strategic tool and a vital force for addressing the world’s complex social, environmental and economic issues.
Areas of Expertise
We are currently recruiting for diverse leaders around the globe with expertise in the following areas:
The directors on our board are committed to the education, promotion, and professional development of our growing membership on six continents. The ideal candidates for our director roles will possess the following qualifications:
- Able to represent a variety of professions within the broad category of visual practitioners.
- Willing to prepare for and attend board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility and follow through on a given assignment.
- Capacity to develop skills if they do not already possess them, such as to: solicit funds, cultivate and recruit board members and other volunteers, and read through financial statements.
Responsibilities of Board Directors:
- Attend nine monthly virtual board meetings (120 minutes in length), one to two annual in-person board retreat(s), and the annual conference.
- Act as liaison to at least one standing committee (recruit members with skills relevant to the work of the committee, provide meeting support as needed, and report progress to the board) and assume responsibility for at least one goal aligned to the IFVP strategic direction.
- Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board or committee meetings.
- Actively promote the IFVP via social media, by supporting local gatherings in your region, and by identifying yourself as an IFVP board member in your personal marketing and public relations outreach.
- Stay informed about needs and industry trends within the fields of graphic recording, graphic facilitation and other visual practitioner professions.
- Suggest possible nominees to the board who can make significant contributions to the work of the board, its committees, and the IFVP.
- Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies.
- Assist the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the IFVP’s annual financial statements and budget.
Terms of Service:
- A Director’s elected term of service is two years.
Technology Officer
The Technology Officer of the IFVP Board of Directors will possess the qualifications and share responsibilities of other directors. In addition, they will have responsibility for the following:
- General: Manages technical platforms. Will work directly with systems administrator(s) and other part-time administrative staff in developing, supporting and implementing technical procedures and systems.
- Reports: Ensures that appropriate technical reports are made available to the board. Regularly reports to board on technology trends, concerns, and assessment of technical stability.
- Technology Committee: Chairs the Technology Committee and prepares agendas for meetings.