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Board of Directors June Meeting

The IFVP Board of Directors met on June 10, 2023 for our regular monthly meeting. Much of our time together focused on finalizing work from our 2022 strategic planning process. We settled on a set of personas that will guide our focused work on developing value propositions and crafting a renewed communications plan. We also received an interim report from the committee sorting through proposals for the 2024 Global Summit. We are hoping to reach a decision in the next few weeks and announce our plan. Thanks to those who have submitted proposals for 2024. If you are thinking about hosting a global summit in the future but didn't send anything for 2024, please by all means send us your interest, we'd love to start to get 2026 and 2028 in the planning! One thing that we have discovered is that taking a solid portion of our two hour meetings for group work allows us to move projects forward. A mural board allowed us to brainstorm value propositions for each of the personas we identified, and we came up with some great material! We are really focusing on bringing business value to enthusiasts, independent contractors, agency owners and employees and visual practitioners who work in-house for larger businesses. Watch for a focused blog post for more!