Inspiring IFVP Member Benefits | Jenny Trautman
New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
Gather with your peers and apply the process of Open Space Technology to explore creating IFVP member benefits that inspire us to take action. The IFVP is powered by volunteers with great ideas. In this session we will co-create an agenda and explore a number of ideas for IFVP member benefits that are so compelling our community will be inspired to lend a hand in creating them. We will harvest our work to share it with the broader IFVP community after the conference. Come prepared with your inspiring ideas about IFVP member benefits and how we can make them happen!
Beyond the Basics of Lettering | Heather Martinez
New to the Field
In addition to learning tips that will boost your self-confidence and expand your lettering vocabulary, we will build on your already awesome ability to write fast, to writing consistently in your unique style.
We will explore:
- The three levels of handwriting/lettering
- Skeleton letters and foundational shapes (that you will use to recognize and build your own style)
- Various styles of lettering for content capture, titles/sub-topics, and studio applications
We will make time to geek out on lettering beyond the wall to talk about digital applications and hand-lettering projects that will round out your portfolio which you can leverage to attract new types of work. You will walk away with lettering tools and resources to inspire you in your lettering journey.
Core Facilitation Skills | Rebecca Colwell
Visual Organization Development | New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
In this breakout session, you will learn the 3 Primary Perspectives that shape our communications at all times. You will practice orienting and listening from each of the 3 Primary Perspectives, which will expand your skills as a facilitator and increase your ability to create more flex and flow in your conversations. You will practice naming and reflecting—two key skills for embodied listening.
- Learn which of the 3 Perspectives you favor and how to grow in all three
- Learn how all 3 Primary Perspectives shape communication
- Learn how to use them (and other core skills) to enliven your group conversations and be more masterful
Sketchnoting FUNdamentals | Bug Fawcett
New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
Designed for those new to the field , this session will fire up your fingertips and have you sketchnoting like a pro!
We will cover:
- Where and when to use sketchnoting & Visual thinking
- The tools, techniques & hot drawing tips
- Speedy ways to build up your visual vocab
- How to synthesize and structure your thoughts
- "Putting it all Together" - hands on practice
- "Beyond the book" - how to get your Sketchnotes 'out there' (to a wider audience) as well as options for selling your Sketchnotes (yes, you heard right!)
You will leave this session armed with the tools and bursting with inspiration to start visually capturing your world in an engaging and memorable way!
Going Inside: making the choice to go from external consultant to the internal graphic facilitator | Jeannel King
Seasoned Practitioner | Business Development
What's not to love about your business as an external visual practitioner? You get to work on awesome projects of your choosing, your way. . . and we all know you have the best boss in the world (you!). So why would ANYONE choose to trade their external practice for becoming an internal facilitator for a company?! Whether you’re just curious or looking to make a similar transition, join us for a fascinating conversation and learn from real-world stories and experiences of professionals who are bringing the value of graphic facilitation inside as recognized (and hired) positions in business teams.
An Introduction to Organization Development and Visual Practice: Connecting To Rich Models | Philip Bakelaar, PhD
Visual Organization Development | New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
When we use visual practice in organizational work, what are we doing? In this session we will explore a variety of ways that organizational theorists explain what happens in change and intervention efforts. Looking at different models and frameworks allows us to have rich sources of insights to draw from in our work. We will spend time looking at history, theory and theorists, models, and doing work together to explore how different models provide new perspectives.
Learn the Art & Science of Finding Your Ideal Clients | Jill Greenbaum, Ed.D.
Business Development | Seasoned Practitioner
Join this session to dive into the work and play of crafting the conversation that will have just-the-right clients asking to work with you. Learn the model, see how it works through short real-life case studies, then transfer that learning to your unique situation. Come prepared to articulate what you do, how you do it, and how clients can invest in your services. We will use that foundation to develop your bespoke conversation. You will gain a new perspective on your business, use a simple and successful approach for choosing your ideal clients, and be ready to offer your first Strategy Session.
Digital Scribe Deep Dive | Erin Gordon & Sarah DeWitt
Digital | New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
Seeking to grow your visual practice in the virtual space or make something more of your next virtual meeting? How about traveling a little lighter to your next recording gig? That’s right – we mean ditching all your markers for the digital pen! What are you waiting for? Dive into digital with Sarah and Erin for a 90 minute breakout where we will explore:
- Techniques and applications of digital scribing
- Your skills – digitally jam together and conduct a gallery walk
- Lessons learned, exchange best practices and share our experiences
Whether interested in an introduction or looking to up your digital game, join us for an interactive session that will build your visual toolkit by leveraging the technique of digital scribing.
WANTED: visual practitioners seeking to discover and explore the digital pen!
DESIRED: your tools! Please bring your materials – digital pads (iPads, Surfaces, etc.) and pens – to this session. Note we anticipate having a few Surfaces and various other materials for those simply looking to be introduced to the tools.
Four-Handed Recording | Leslie Salmon-Zhu, Founder of IFVP
New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
Watching two graphic recorders capturing the conversation in tandem is a magical experience. It is like a dance with multiple markers. Tandem recording can take several different forms, from co-recording across multiple charts to tandem recording in the same chart.
We will explore:
- the different forms that tandem recording can take
- how understanding roles & relationships can support the “doing"
- how to optimize the experience for expanding client outcomes
- and the importance of a spacious mindset in developing successful tandem recording partnerships.
Join us for the opportunity to practice the physical aspects of recording as we explore the delightful dance of tandem recording.
Tips, Tricks and Techniques Panel, Moderated by Sunshine Ben Belkacem
New to the Field
Join us for an interactive conversation with Anthony Weeks, Leah Silverman, Sam Bradd, Julie Gieseke and Tricia Walker(still waiting for confirmation). Join us to hear them sharing battle stories from the field, some sad, some disturbing but all funny. We will discuss challenges rare and common while working with clients and how to manage those last minute surprises. Ever wondered how previous careers prepared them for the curveballs our crazy profession throws our way? We'll also cover how they educate clients on what services they provide, how they manage the business side of things, what software they use, how they "clean" their work, what they look for in collaborative partners, what benefits they get from IFVP membership and whatever else you can think to ask them. Come join in the fun!
Be a Better Partner in the Room - Exploring Dialogic Organization Development Frameworks | Steph Brown
Visual Organization Development | New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
Tackling Your Mindset: Key Practices to Being a Successful Visual Practitioner | Sophia Liang & Lynn Carruthers
Seasoned Practitioner
Over the last 10 years, we’ve worked with hundreds of clients, in dozens of different industries, around topics ranging from leadership development to 3D virtual cells. Clients rave about the work, colleagues fill us with encouragement, and time and time again we hear “Oh, you're amazing," "Did you invent this?" or "I can't even draw a stick figure." That’s all flattering and how do we continue to push ourselves to be better? In order to truly master our craft we need to be both self reflective and proactive in seeking out constructive feedback.
In this two hour session, you'll practice graphic recording in a real situation while applying different listening frameworks and individual reflection exercises. We’ll deconstruct and critique one chart in real-time, and show you concrete tactics and strategies on improving your work. At the end of the session you’ll have more clarity about your skills and knowledge gaps, and be able to identify growth opportunities. Come prepared to listen, record, and challenge your own assumptions of what is your best work.
Whiteboard Video 101 Primer | Mark Monlux
Digital | New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
Mark Monlux is an award winning illustrator and cartoonist. At the 2012 IFVP Pittsburg convention he attended an RSA workshop held by Jeannel King titled “Whiteboard Animation 101.” A few weeks later took what he learned and did his first Whiteboard Video, which led to another, then another. Now it’s his turn to share with you all of the tips and tricks he’s learned and provide you with a “Whiteboard Video 101” primer. We'll go over all the stages involved, script writing, storyboards, dry runs, equipment, shooting and editing. The restriction of the medium and how to be creative within those restrictions. Suggestion for working with clients with different skill sets and equipment. This workshop will include a quick discussion of VideoScribe from Sparkol as an alternative to traditional whiteboard video production.
Introduction into the bikablo® technique | Frank Wesseler & Stefan Böker
New to the Field
You’ve seen the books, now get a chance to learn from the bikablo® team. In this workshop you will get insight into the bikablo® visualization technique, which thousands of people apply on flipcharts and pin boards for better trainings, meetings, coaching and projects.
You will explore:
- Marker and stroke: basic toolsets for your flipchart
- Visual vocabulary: pictograms, figures and text container on a larger scale
- Exercise: use simple combination techniques to create theme logos for your own topics
This workshop is designed for trainers, facilitators and coaches.
You are your Business: How to start your own brand in 3 steps | Jose Luis Anzizar
Business Development | New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
You are an awesome Visual Practitioner and you are ready to start your own business, and what do you do? Is it enough with a logo and a website? What else should you consider to get your business started?
This workshop will explore the three pillars of your business:
- the brand under which you will operate
- the customer segments you are aiming to prospect
- the value proposition you will offer.
For each pillar we will use a visual template to consider everything you need to explore. Additionally, each pillar will provide concrete tools to use right away, for instance: What is my mission? What problems do my customers have? How could I help solving them? This highly visual, practical and down to earth workshop will help you start designing and implementing a successful business today!
Wanna Draw Together? (aka Let's (Graphic) Jam) | Sunshine Ben Belkacem
New to the Field
The most important tool a Visual Practitioner has is their lexicon of icons. This session is about working out your icon muscle so let's get together and practice, stretch and warm up our hands and fingers! Let's throw drawing challenges into a hat and see what you and our peers come up with. Let's share our go to icons and push ourselves to reimagine new icons. Let's use amazing talks by Brené Brown, Paul Stamets and Simon Sinek to find and share new ways to visually represent stories and metaphors. Let's the push boundaries of what we know and see what we can learn from our peers. Let's even take the time to discuss what kind of beginner's tools the IFVP could offer as member perks! See you there.
Thinking Visually when it’s Thorny | Charlotte Young
Visual Organization Development | New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
Solving today’s intricate, multi-faceted problems requires methods and techniques that go beyond well-established, traditional thinking and discussion. As visual practitioners, we appreciate the value of graphic recording and visual rendering. However, what happens when one is visually rendering more than just complex information. Perhaps the information is sexually explicit, or politically inappropriate or outside of one’s own cultural sensitivity. How does one portray those types of images in ways that relate to participants? What if the mural is being created after-the-fact of a highly emotionally charged event – how does one capture the spirit of the session? In this session, we will share stories, work in small groups and, of course, draw out ideas to wrestle with these challenging situations.
The Story of Us: Futurecasting the Field of Visual Practice | Anthony Weeks
Seasoned Practitioner
How do we envision the field of visual practice in the next decade? In the next 25 years? What are we doing NOW to prepare ourselves for changes in technology, visual literacy, ways of listening and witnessing, social and cultural practices around "meetings" and "decision making", and the demand for effective, meaningful, and collaborative storytelling? In short, how will we play a part in MAKING THE FUTURE of visual practice? Anthony Weeks will facilitate a modified open space exercise in which participants will gather in small groups to create a story of the future around a topic of their choosing. Participants are strongly encouraged to think about the creative and engaging HOW of telling this story of the future as well as the substantive WHAT of the story.
This session is not a closed session, but is intended for seasoned practitioners with 5+ years of experience.
Co-Creation! – Step into intuitive team building | Mathias Weitbrecht & Malte von Tiesenhausen
Business Development | Seasoned Practitioner
Working as a team is fun! And it gives so much more value to clients and impact to your work as a visual practitioner. Mathias Weitbrecht and Malte von Tiesenhausen from VISUAL FACILITATORS (Germany) tell about their experience in building a 20+ people associated team, grounded strongly on vision, intuition, purpose and the individual skills of its members.
How can you not only work but also develop together? How does everybody manage to find his or her most desired field of activity? How do you delegate and ensure that things will be done? How do we become a 'We-brand’? How do we lead with self-organization and purpose? Let’s share the space and find out, how purposeful co-creation can not only support you but the whole field!
Step into a Unique Conversation! | Jill Greenbaum, Ed.D.
Money Mindset | Michelle Walker
Business Development | Seasoned Practitioner
Do you struggle with the money side of your business? Do you feel awkward in charging what you know your services are worth? Do you want to shift out of struggle into a sense of EASE and FLOW around your finance? Yes? Then this is the workshop for you! In this session, Michelle Walker will share with you the secrets and tips to get clear on the mindset you need around money to thrive and grow – material she normally only teaches in her coaching programs. You will explore old patterns of money programming that dictate ‘set points’ in your income and the biggest mistakes that might be holding you (and your business) back. You will discover the Mind/Body/Money connection and her ‘go-to’ tool for clearing money blocks so you can grow and expand the impact of your work.
Design Visual Templates That Work: Take your Group Conversation to the Next Level | Sophia Liang & Lynn Carruthers
New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
Welcome to the wonderful world of visual templates. Learn how to harness the power of pen and paper through the design and use of visual templates in your practice. Dan Roam, author of "Back of the Napkin," believes that "engagement soars when people own their ideas,” and so do we. When designed with purpose, templates promote collaboration, guide groups through conversations, sparks creative thinking, and captures insights that are often lost. We will share stories on when templates drive group engagement, how to avoid template fatigue, and explore both digital or analogue ways of production. We’ll demonstrate our thinking process as we design a template from scratch in real time. Then you’ll get hands-on with big paper and pens to create your own!
Thought Sketching in a Dialogue | Frank Wesseler & Stefan Böker
New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
In this workshop you will sketch complex and abstract situations/thoughts to develop a common understanding on important topics through a visual dialogue with customers and colleagues.
You will explore:
- Learning theory: how visualization opens a second communications channel for better understanding („dual coding theory“)
- Visual vocabulary: pictograms, figures, text container and graphical elements for fast visualization (“bikablo® quick & dirty-technique“)
- Exercise: visualize and reflect your main statements together with a partner
This session is designed for knowledge workers, decision makers, managers, & sales.
How to Use Your Charts After a Visual Meeting – Smart, creative answers to the question everyone asks! Liisa Arora
New to the Field | Seasoned Practitioner
“What should we do with our charts afterwards?” That is the million-dollar question among practitioners in the field of visual facilitation, and from clients! We know that the answer is NOT, “Roll them up and stick them on the shelf.” However, when the question is asked, many of us scratch our head, and our ideas stop short at one or two suggestions.
Come to this session to learn a strategic approach for helping clients find uniquely suited ways to USE their charts after a visual meeting to support objectives. With strategy, creativity and inspiration from colleagues, you’ll leave ready to help your clients leverage the value of working with you long after a meeting.
Participants will receive a free copy of the eGuide, How to USE Your Charts After a Visual Meeting.
Developing Graphic Recording and Facilitation Communities: Case Studies from Thailand and China | Tul Lekuti and Ms. Bubble (Paopao)