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Different ways of listening for enhanced scribing workshop - In english - Central Paris

The pilot workshop on how to listen differently - Different ways of listening for enhanced scribing - took place this weekend. Basically: it was great, I'm so happy :-)

We shared and explored different practices : Introspection, flow, rythm, sounds, movements and creative letting go.
And had a go at redefining the scribe's posture.

If you are interested, the next Level Up workshop in ENGLISH will take place on September the 21rst to 22nd, in central Paris. Feel free to send me a PM.

Early bird prices before end of July :-)

Event Date and Time: 
Saturday, October 21, 2023 - 9:00am
Event Location: 
Central Paris
To be precised
75020 Paris
Event Type: 
Exclude as calendar tile: