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#drawing4peace in solidarity with Ukraine

This is a request that goes out to all VISUAL PRACTITIONERS around the globe 
 get your markers, pencils, stylus, iPads, bamboo pads ready and sketch to support peace in Ukraine.
 visualization is our tool spread the sketch and use #drawing4peace 
 raise your visual voices - be creative, dream or just share your emotions - and show what´s all possible
 IFVP - International Forum of Visual Practitioners
 #drawingtheworldtogether #weareIFVP #visualpractitioner

draw wherever you can on whatever feels helpful. No need to be perfect, it´s about your passion for drawing

Markus Eichel writes: as I had the chance to fly on the 26th I used the chance and the plane took that message for peace  further on that day through Europe - I attached it to motivate you all to just get started to sketch- if I can , than YOU can

*TAGS*  #drawing4peace #nowar #sketching #standwithukraine