Hello IFVP Community!
The IFVP Board Members are beginning a series of monthly communications focusing on why we believe the IFVP is so important to the Visual Practitioner community. I have the honor of being the first!
I joined IFVP in 2015 just in time for the Austin conference. Back then, I was still employed as a CIO of an Insurance company and getting my first exposure to graphic recording and the use of visual elements to make meetings more effective and to engage teams differently. The IFVP back then offered me a window into this new world, with all of its limitless possibilities. The people I met, the GR 101 basics I learned, and the various breakout sessions I attended created an excitement and curiosity in me – could this profession be for me? Access to this generous community of practitioners was a big contrast to my experience with the cold, protective, corporate cultures that I had grown up with during my career. Not to mention the immense catalog of material available on the website and experiencial advice
and guidance on tools, how to set up a practice, and other helpful information on the social media channels!
I joined IFVP in 2015 just in time for the Austin conference. Back then, I was still employed as a CIO of an Insurance company and getting my first exposure to graphic recording and the use of visual elements to make meetings more effective and to engage teams differently. The IFVP back then offered me a window into this new world, with all of its limitless possibilities. The people I met, the GR 101 basics I learned, and the various breakout sessions I attended created an excitement and curiosity in me – could this profession be for me? Access to this generous community of practitioners was a big contrast to my experience with the cold, protective, corporate cultures that I had grown up with during my career. Not to mention the immense catalog of material available on the website and experiencial advice
and guidance on tools, how to set up a practice, and other helpful information on the social media channels!
By the Washington, DC conference in 2016, I had made my decision to start my own business focusing on consulting using visual facilitation and recording approaches. Now, my engagement with the IFVP community started to center around deepening my skills as well as learning from all of those who went down their own paths ahead of me – what to do and not do for marketing, client engagement, pricing, contracts, digitization, etc. – basically, what to do to survive and thrive with this career choice! So much to learn and know! It was comforting to know that there was a group of people a mouse-click or
phone call away to provide their expertise to ensure that I did not fall on my face!
phone call away to provide their expertise to ensure that I did not fall on my face!
In 2017, I was finding my footing with a year under my belt of successful recording and facilitation events and by the time the Decatur, GA conference came around, I was actually being sought out by newer members of the IFVP community for MY experience! A very surprising and confidence-building experience! But there was still so much for me to learn myself! So, I asked myself what I could do to continue my journey and deepen my own connection with this great community, but also leverage all I had to offer. The answer – offer myself as a candidate to serve on the IFVP Board. Having served on volunteer boards in the past, I certainly had that experience to draw on. And with all of my corporate experience developing strategies, managing budgets, and leading teams, I was hopeful the current board and membership saw my addition to the team as a “Win” not only for me, but all of us! I was excited to be voted in and am still a Board Member today.
Our IFVP Board is comprised of a diverse, engaged, and creative set of individuals that bring varied insights and passion to this community and it is always a collaborative and lively discussion when we get together. Under Sunny’s leadership, we believe we are creating even more member value with each passing month, and we have a loaded 2019 plan of creating new content, new learning opportunities, and more outreach to those potential clients out there! We are also hard at work on the 2019 IFVP conference in Montclair, NJ (just a stone’s throw from New York City) and we are hoping that everyone in the IFVP community can attend (and ask your colleagues who are not current IFVP members to join us!). As a native born “Jersey Girl”, I am very excited to be going back to my home state in July for this event!
I hope this short article has conveyed to you why the IFVP has been so beneficial to me in getting started in my new career and how it continues to benefit me in my journey as I mature in this practice. And, I hope the community is benefiting from me as well!
Kimberly Dornisch has spent her 25+ year career leading transformational organizational and technology change for many insurance and financial services companies as a program manager and as a C-level executive. She has combined her project management expertise with her genuine leadership style to successfully manage and deliver on multi-million dollar initiatives that resulted in strategic outcomes for the businesses she supported. She has now taken this extensive knowledge and experience combined with her acute listening and drawing skills to create unique and tailored offerings for business and technology teams as a Team Engagement Expert.
Results, Visualized!
Results, Visualized!
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