Do you offer a training or course that will help Visual Practitioners be better at their craft? Would you like to host a Graphic Jam or some other local or online gathering? Or do you want to organize a regular self care affirmation chat, or start a worldwide online book club? Whatever it is...if you are member you can advertise your event on the IFVP website.
Finding the Events Page
From the homepage, scroll down to see the six boxes of goodness under the "Community" section. The upper, right-most box (indicated by the red arrow) links to the "Events" page.
The "My Events" Link
On the Events page you will see the upcoming and ongoing events other members have listed. Two links are sandwhiched between the "Upcoming Events" title and the displayed events. The first will show you Past events and the second will show leads to a page that will display your own events. You must be logged in to access these features.
Add An Event
If your "My Events" page is empty...Congratulations! You're in good company. If you have previously added events they would be displayed here and you could have written this tutorial. Mine is blank. Click the "Add Event" link to open the event form.
Event Discription
Now it gets fun! This is were you get to tell us all about your event and when you plan to have it. Be as creative and thorough as you like.
For giggles, I have provided a sample description...but I highly recommend taking a peak at other existing event pages to see how those members have approached the process, especially for online events.
Note that required fields will take any answer provided.
And that's it! Give it a try. I can't wait to see all the new events generated by our great community.
- Drawnversation's blog
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