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IFVP Board of Directors July 13, 2024

The IFVP board of directors met on Saturday, July 13, 2024 for our regular monthly board meeting. We opened the meeting with checking in on our current condition and recent professional activities. We approved minutes from the last meeting and received membership and financial reports. Our membership is stable at this time with 241 members. Our finances include current funds that will be disbursed for the summit at the end of July. We discussed a policy on the IFVP and social issue advocacy and agreed that we would stay focused on our international professional identity. Members will be able to post social issues important to them on a board at the summit. We reviewed summit preparations and offered thanks to the planning team, especially the work done by board member Sarah Spencer around marketing and project management. We discussed trying out a new platform for member communication (Circle) that we will launch for the summit and beyond as a way to increase the "Forum" aspect of our organization. Finally we reviewed progress by the IFVP Institute on the certification for visual practitioners through INIFAC. We closed the meeting with anticipation for the upcoming summit and the networking and learning to come from that in-person Forum.