An official badge from a professional organization denotes adherence to a standard of professionalism and quality by the badge owner. In addition, in the mind of your Board of Directors, this is the mark that shows you, as an IFVP member, belong to a community that encourages generosity, learning, and growth. It means you are a part of something committed to the advancement of graphic recording, graphic facilitation, visual facilitation, and other visually supported processes as valid business tools to collaborate, design, and solve problems.
Our hope with the Member Badge is that, beside being a perk of membership, it becomes a badge of honor, something you are proud to share and show your commitment to excellence and quality. You can include it on your website, your professional email signature, LinkedIn under professional memberships, and on Facebook and other social media channels. We look forward to seeing what other ways and channels you think up as a way to use it.
This year we are opening design of our 2018 Member Badge to IFVP members. Give us your best design ideas and our membership will vote for their favorite top three, of which the board will select the winner. Read on carefully to find out the design requirements, submission guidelines, voting process, timeline, recognition and attribution, and rights and usage agreement.
We hope you have fun with this and look forward to the magic you will create!
Design requirements:
There will be one (1) badge
Must clearly show the IFVP logo
Must clearly show the word Member
Design can be hand drawn, vector based graphics or both. Use whatever medium is most inspiring but it must translate to digital.
Keep in mind we want a professional look that will represent working professionals and membership in our organization
Design file name must include the designer’s name. (If submitting more than one design, add a number after your name, starting with 1)
Design submissions must be 11 inches x 8.5 inches (2550 px x 3300 px), 300 dpi, in CMYK, as a JPG file
Final files must be delivered in high resolution: 300 DPI, in CMYK, in BOTH PSD and PDF file format.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit individual designs to badge2018@ifvp.org by
February 6th, 2018 by 12:00 AM ESTMarch 3rd, 2018 by 12:00 AM EST -
Designer must be a current IFVP member (renew your membership here)
Designer can submit multiple designs HOWEVER please submit each design
separately. If several designs are submitted in one email, they will be disqualified -
Design file name must include the designer’s name, i.e., JaneDoe.jpg. (If submitting more than one design, add a number after your name, starting with 1, i.e., JaneDoe1.jpg, JaneDoe2.jpg, JaneDoe3.jpg, etc.)
All submissions must be made via email which includes the following information:
Designer’s name/Business
City, Country
Email address
Phone number
Description of image, e.g. hand drawn with ink, colored with watercolor, digital illustration with digital coloring, etc.
You may send a link to download if your file is too large to email.
Designs will be disqualified if:
Email with contact information missing
The designer’s name is not included in the file name
Not in the appropriate file format
If submission is time stamped after
February 6th, 2018 by 12:00 AM ESTMarch 3rd, 2018 by 12:00 AM EST
Voting Process:
All submitted designs will be shared with membership on the IFVP Tribe Page. (If you are not a member yet, login to Facebook, search for IFVP Tribe, request access, and we will get you approved and in!)
Round I Voting: Membership will vote with the Love button on the IFVP Tribe Facebook page. The three designs with the most Loves will move on to Round II voting.
Round II Voting: The IFVP Board will select the final winning Member Badge Design from the top three designs on during the monthly IFVP Board of Directors meeting. The Board appreciates the effort of all who submit designs and will use our discretion in making the final decision regarding the submissions.
All submissions must be in by
February 6th, 2018 by 12:00 AM ESTMarch 3rd, 2018 by 12:00 AM EST -
Member voting: March 5th through March 23rd.
WInning Design Announcement: the week of April 16th.
Winner Recognition:
The winner of the Member Badge design will be featured in an upcoming newsletter article, where we’ll ask them to share their thinking behind the design, their creative process, the experience of winning, and what it is like to see one’s design represent the membership.
Credit and attribution via linked profile on the IFVP website page featuring the Badge download.
Rights and Usage Agreement:
The designer of the winning badge turns over all rights of use of the image, including ownership, to The International Forum of Visual Practitioners (IFVP) for the benefit of IFVP members:
to use in perpetuity
to distribute in multiple formats
to modify the winning design for appropriate branding, as needed
the designer will always be credited
IFVP reserves the right to use any and all submissions in future marketing collateral used on social media, the IFVP website, and in our blog without credit to promote membership services.
Submit individual designs and any questions to badge2018@ifvp.org by February 6th, 2018 by 12:00 AM EST March 3rd, 2018 by 12:00 AM EST
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