SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016
United We Scribe: Designing Moments of Impact, Lisa Kay Solomon
In a world filled with increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, leaders need to find new ways of responding to adaptive challenges. They need to get comfortable with ambiguity and seek insight from a broader range of places. They need to continuously frame and reframe not only their answers but also the questions they pose. In other words, they need approach change much less like mechanics and more like designers.
In her dynamic opening keynote for United We Scribe, Lisa Kay Solomon, innovation advisor, executive educator, and bestselling author will share research and best practices of how visual thinking and communication is the foundation for supporting creative and collaborative strategic conversations that get above the political fray and drive positive change.
Introducing the Big Listen
Everyone has a story or a lesson to share and we want to hear yours! The BIG LISTEN is an opportunity for you to take the stage and share your knowledge with the community. Each storyteller will have 4 minutes to share their experience or learnings with the community. We will have three story starters:
Monday - “The first time I ever….” This is about those first experiences you had as a visual practitioner. What was it like the first time you ever picked up the marker to draw in front of a large crowd, or the first time you worked as a tandem recorder with a team, or the first time you had paying client, or…?
Tuesday - “How am I gonna draw….” This story starter is focused on translations, of cross-cultural experiences, of business language, or complex imagery, or maybe even sensitive imagery.
Wednesday - “I couldn’t believe it when…” Who remembers Julie Gieseke’s fantastic performance last year. This was all about those crazy, bizarre and often hilarious, can you believe they just asked me that! What have been some of those /can you believe…’ moments you have encountered?
Here is how it works:
If you are interested in sharing your experience, write your name on a slip of paper and place in the box for that topic
We will draw 4-5 names at random from the box to select who will have an opportunity to share on stage
We will welcome you on stage to hear your 4 minute story.
Be prepared to listen, to learn and to laugh with the fabulous storytellers in our community!
Collaborative Communities
OG Systems Visioneering Team Lauren Green, Ben Tinker, Trent Wakenight, Heather Martinez, Dean Meyers, and Brian Tarallo
Experience a new dimension of graphic facilitation with the OGSystems Visioneering team! Last year, we “Achieved Orbit” in Austin. This year in DC, we’ll explore and form connected communities. Bring your knowledge and voice into the space. Discover, share, and build the best collaborative communities of the future. Prepare yourself for an immersive, visual, and kinetic experience!
About OGSystems Visioneering: The OGSystems Visioneering team of graphic recorders and graphic facilitators unlock innovation through visualization and facilitation. As part of OGSystems' new approach to problem solving – Immersive Engineering – we help the U.S. federal government achieve breakthroughs. Follow the OGSystems Visioneers on Twitter @OGSystems.
Getting Into the Mind of the Graphic Facilitator-as-Listener | Moderator, Anthony Weeks
A twist on the popular and perennial IFVP offering, this session will focus on the listening aspect of graphic facilitation and graphic recording. Veteran graphic facilitator and visual storyteller Anthony Weeks will moderate a discussion with a cross-industry panel around the central question "How do you LISTEN in your work?" Four graphic facilitators from around the world who will be scribing the conversation will then share their own insights, questions, methodologies, and philosophies around listening in their respective practices.
Anthony will be joined by veteran graphic recorders, Sam Bradd, Malte von Tiesenhausen, Jessamy Rose, and Sunshine ben Belkacem
Panelists will include Lisa Kay Solomon, Robert Mittman, and more to be announced.
The Care and Feeding of the Visual Practitioner | Brandy Agerbeck
With candor and humor, Brandy Agerbeck shares her perspectives on the rich, fertile field of visual practice. Celebrating twenty years of writing on walls (at least the years she’s gotten paid for it), she’ll talk about her own growth and invites you to find your place in the Life Cycle of the Visual Practitioner. Brandy encourages us to take the long view, both for our own individual health, vitality and sustainability and for the field as a whole. She will draw out a model on how to cultivate and strengthen our work as solopreneurs and as a growing community.
Brandy Agerbeck writes, speaks and teaches on the power of drawing as your best thinking tool. Based on her career as the one person in the room drawing for the group, she wrote The Graphic Facilitator’s Guide: How to use your listening, thinking and drawing skills to make meaning. She follows this much-loved volume with a book for every visual thinker, The Idea Shapers: The power of putting your thinking in your own hands. Cultural analyst Patricia Martin calls it, “A new alphabet for the visual age.” Learn more at
IFVP Annual General Meeting
Join IFVP president, Jenny Trautman, and members of your board for the IFVP Annual General Meeting (AGM). Members will review our financials, the progress on our strategic vision, and learn how they can help create the future of the IFVP.
Comics and the Art of Visual Communication: Scott McCloud
Comics is finally coming of age as an artistic and literary form. Now this once-maligned medium of expression is poised for new opportunities, thanks to a mutating media environment and a potential revolution in visual education. Author and comics artist Scott McCloud shines a light on these and other fascinating trends, and demonstrates why every visual choice we make matters, in a fast-moving cascade of images and ideas.