Whether you are new to visual mapping or want to find out more about it, this session is an opportunity to deep dive into how to use the grammar of visual mapping to connect the dots.
Bring a live work challenge (or opportunity) you can use for a self-coaching activity and which you are happy to share in a small break-out with others.
You will learn the grammar rules of ‘position, time, exchange and movement’ which means you can constellate and visualise hidden dynamics, blocks to progress and unused resources that impact your challenge. This crystallises options for problem-solving and new solution paths; for example how relationships can be improved or resources used more effectively. Working with your newly learned mapping grammar, you can test multiple solution paths and go away with the visual constellation of the best-fit solution.
Example topics you could work on:
· Complex context (working across geographies, complex stakeholder systems)
· Prioritisation and alignment of resources
· Communication and relationship issues
· Inability to make a decision
· Problems repeatedly surfacing or going around in circles
· Lack of clarity
· Conflicting opportunities
· Meeting regulations and other demands
Apart from learning how to work with visual mapping grammar, Claudia will also give tips on how to make visual mapping accessible to people who suffer from the “I-can’t-draw-syndrome” by working with 3D objects, floor markers and emojis.
Here’s what you will want to have on hand:
Pens and a few sheets of plain A4 paper, also ideally some multi-coloured post-its, square are best. If you have any playmobile or lego figurines or (empty!) espresso cups in your home they will be handy for mapping in 3D. (These are not essential though feel free to use this as an excuse to treat yourself to some nice new espresso cups. If you are a post-it nerd, you can get speech bubble and arrow shaped post-its too.)
Claudia Filsinger BIO
Claudia Filsinger is the Founder of Moving Maps Ltd, a business consultancy offering emerging experiential learning and systemic coaching methods that change mental maps. As well as being a workshop facilitator and accredited executive coach herself, she also trains and supervises other coaches. Claudia used to lecture coaching, business and management at Oxford Brookes University Business School and has written many articles about coaching.