I am pleased to be able to share with everyone that the #2019IFVP Conference Co-chairs are:
Leah Silverman, IFVP Board Director and Treasurer, and Lucinda Levine, a U.S. IFVP member, illustrator and graphic recorder.
The Conference Committee is already working, meeting weekly, to prepare for registration. Your conference committee as it is right now is made up of Leah, Lucinda, Renatta Algalarrondo, former IFVP Treasurer, current Board Member and Neuland Ambassador, IFVP President Sunny BenBelkacem, IFVP CTO Phil Bakelaar, and Launa Post, IFVP Membership Coordinator. We're working on learning tracks, break-out proposals open call process, sponsorship packages, scholarshiping, keynote speakers, conference branding, rolling out registration before the end of the year, and so much more. We will be adding more people to the committee as we further define the project plan, roles, and tasks. If you are interested in working with the Conference Committee, please send an email to Launa so that we may reach out to you when we are ready to add more resources to the team, probably after January and on-going.
In the mean time, save the dates of July 30th to August 2nd, 2019 at Montclair University in Montclair, New Jersey. We will be announcing more details soon so please stay tuned for more conference and registration information by following our social media channels, reading the newsletter, and checking the IFVP blog.
graphic drawn by Australian IFVP member Ben Crothers
- Sunny BenBelkacem's blog
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