The IFVP Board of Directors met for their November meeting. After reviewing minutes, financial reports and membership reports, we discussed the upcoming Global Summit scheduled for July 30 - August 2 in Montclair, NJ. We noted that we have more proposed workshops and pre-conference sessions than we can possibly offer, we are grateful for the interest expressed by members from all over the world. Our review committee will be working to contact those who have offered proposals in the next weeks. We are working to launch our Early Bird registration on December 1. We want to be very thorough and careful about our expenses as we want the summit to financially break even or offer some benefit to our reserves, which have been used at times to cover shortfalls in other years events.
203 people have responded to our Business Barometer survey and we are collating and preparing a report. We are grateful for all the participation from our global community. There are some interesting findings! Stand by!
We are reviewing the board nominations for 2024-2026 terms. Those nominated have been contacted for more information, which is being reviewed by the board nominations committee. Then we will send out information to our membership, and prepare for a vote online in December to approve the candidates. Those approved will join the board in January.
We discussed the Online Learning Series project. Two of the team members are rotating off and we need more people to volunteer to support this project. We have four new speakers lined up for 2024 and are seeking more. If we have enough team and speakers we hope to offer monthly meetings. We would like to survey members regarding the topics they would like to see as well as the benefit value they feel from the events.
We discussed our Basic Membership plan and whether people understand the difference between basic and premium memberships. We've had some basic members ask to upgrade to premium when they became aware that the member map is a premium benefit. All members have access to the 60+ on-demand recordings on our site that cover so many of the topics that are relevant to our community.
Finally we considered our global expansion hopes, we would like to connect more with the visual energy happening in Asia and India. We will be considering this as part of our membership drive planning.
As we prepare to close this board year we are aware that there are so many things involved in maintaining and growing an international professional association that it is difficult to keep it all in view. We will be working on a whole system visual to help us keep in mind the many dimensions and activities involved, from volunteer recruitment and engagement, to bylaw compliance, to summit and conference planning, to member benefit development...there is much to do and we hope to make it easier for board members and volunteers to find a clear place to offer support to our work together.
Thanks all for your renewals and attention to our weekly Monday emails. IFVP stands as the premier professional global association for visual practitioners, and we welcome your support and involvement as we promote the interests of our members and the value of our practice.
- Philip Bakelaar's blog
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