IFVP has held a conference every year since 1996.
Starting in 2021 we are implementing a new structure to our annual meetings and will alternate each year from meeting in local regions to meeting in full-scale global conferences (referred to from now as IFVP Summits). Odd numbered years (2021, 2023, etc.) will be dedicated to
gathering in Regional Meet Ups. Summits will be held in even numbered years.
Here are the IFVP meet ups that are happening this year on the weekend of October 22-24, 2021. You will be hearing more and more as we approach the end of summer:
US-East: led by NOVA Scribes (Brian Tarallo, Rachel Thompson, and Angela Krieg)
US-West: Trent Wakenight from the Grove and Leslie Salmon-Zhu (one of our Founders!)
Canada: Laura Hanek
China: Phil Guo
South Africa: Lita Currie
Mexico: Reilly Dow
Asia/Pac: Chung Le and Tul Lekutai

The folx above are coordinating the meet ups for their regions. Reach out to them if you are interested in helping them with planning in their area. If you want to organize and host your own gathering please reach out to launa@ifvp.org for more information and get connected to the other meet up hosts to share and support each other.
The great thing about the Regional Meet Ups is that they will allow regions to design the topics and themes that local communities want to focus on. This year we will bring a global thread to all the meet ups with a MURAL board to capture each region's strengths and expertise as well as where they would like more exchange with other regional groups to share knowledge and expand skills.
The aim of a weekend of regional meet ups is simple: to gather all visual practitioners (VPs) in a shared moment together; to understand what our local fields look like; and to build relationships with VPs from all parts of the world and affiliations. What do you want to offer the community?
We hope all who attend will walk away feeling connected to their local community of practice and also understand how we all fit together into a global picture. Where possible, meet ups that are in-person should be a nice moment of being in community after a year and half of pandemic life.
Extensive planning for our first official IFVP Summit is already underway. Put July 27-30, 2022 on your calendar and start saving for a trip to Bilbao, Spain!
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