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October Board of Directors Meeting

The IFVP board of directors met on Monday, October 16. We checked in and received membership and financial reports. We discussed the upcoming summit in Montclair and noted our goal to have early bird registration ready by December 1. We discussed possible partnerships with other relevant associations such as the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD) that might provide cross-association benefits like having our "find a visual recorder/facilitator" map on their website since their members are interested in having GR/GF work done with their member projects. We noted having over 200 responses to our business barometer survey and will be working to process that information for our Premium members. We noted that some basic members may want to upgrade to Premium in order to access the results. Our board nominations process is coming to a close for this year and we will be contacting nominees for more information in order to prepare for the voting process. We discussed our communication plan and noted possibilities for clarifying workflows and automations among our basecamp, trello and google drive resources. The IFVP Institute offered thanks for financial support that will help finalize the Visual Practitioner Competency Certification process with INIFAC and allow for the first rounds of candidates to being the process. We noted that the certification is not meant for everyone, but has been requested by members who find that their business interests require a professional certification.