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OLS BONUS! Episode 3: The ABC's of chart design Aftershow!


The hosts of #IFVPOLS Episode 3: The ABCs of chart design are back! Avril and Heather went through ALL the questions in the chat and recorded their answers to them, to make sure you got all you needed from them. These ladies love working together and are a great duo together - they laugh a lot but they are laying down knowledge for you to pick up. They put a lot down to pick up. Take what you need, leave what you want. Enjoy!

Avril Orloff & Heather Martinez for the IFVP Online Learning Series May 6, 2020

From Andrew Rose, Vancouver : I’m curious for you advanced digital practitioners, how do you deal with the “slippery-ness” of a stylus on the “glass” pad when going from paper.
From Heather, Colorado : @Andrew matte screen cover and silicon grip for your apple pencil
From Matt Ellis : I personally prefer mural to miro. And they are running a 90 day extension at the moment due to Coronavirus...
From Luis Alberto Garcia : Miro let us draw more easy than Mural, the last transform in an elemento the drawing and does not let us edit
From Andi Roberts : Did sessions with 45 people last week in Mural with no issues.
From Andrew Rose, Vancouver : ??? And how much wine was consumed during the creation of this workshop?    ;)
From Sue Borchardt : ??? will the slides be shared? sorry if you already said that
From Sarah Spencer : ???? In Anthony’s lines, does he draw that yellow line first? My additional ? is doesn’t the yellow smear?
From Piotr Poznański : Anthony’s yellow lines are the same curves as some of the text, so it looks like while writing/lettering, he already knows how he will draw those yellow lines
From Sofía Donner | Montevideo, Uruguay : Maybe he knew the structure beforehand, and had pencil guides throughout adding content… and added the yellow at the end
From Rosanna (metro Vancouver CANADA) : ??? if you do this digitally, the pencil line to guide your lettering would be done on a different layer?
From Caryn Ginsberg : I’ve done that Rosanna. Concepts can automatically layer by pen type, so I can marker a guide, write with pen and then delete the marker object later, if I want.
From Luz Lévano : There are different types of letters (fonts), is it ok?
From Sofía Donner | Montevideo, Uruguay : I would say it’s ideal to use tops 3 types of lettering. Maybe 4 if it’s justified
From Heather, Colorado : I personally “assign” lettering styles with the different sized markers and nibs. It’s a formula for me. :)
From Heather, Colorado : When working with graphic design, I use 2-3 max lettering styles.
From Paula Fagerberg : A typeface is something like Garamond. A font is something like Garamond 14 pt bold.
From nevada lane : I love hearing about the different approaches and knowing that both work so well.
From Alejandro J Muñoz : ???How many colours do you think are needed?
From Maria Greven : ??? what if you are to use the colours of the company you work for?
From Maria Greven : ??? do you also think about using complementary colours?
From Irene Hamons | Singapore : Do you think the use of colours can be different for iPad recording?
From Aneta Key : Red, Green == Stop, Go
From Taslim van Hattum : red and green is also the colors of black power (YES!!!!) and had powerful grounding in black history traditions so diversity of audience can affect color choices and intentionality around palettes.
From Melissa Kendzierski : How do you approach layering? 
From nevada lane : I call layering backfill in my classes to make it clear there’s a lot you can do after the initial capture to create clarity!
From Tam, Argentina : love blue and orange too. i use a lot of orange and light blue From Martha Lubow : Blue and orange is popular !
From Karl Mortier, Belgium EVP  ;-) : So happy that you confirm blue and orange (was a bit afraid) but I love it
From Caryn Ginsberg : I love Brandy’s color Trios. Made my life much easier. Her courses are great.
From silvina marchisio, Basel, Switzerland : Brandy’s course is really good also!
Her trios were a huge discovery
From nancy hyer : What specific course which Brandy offers are you recommending?
From Antonio Iturra : The Agerbeck Method, the one where she teaches Colour Trio among other things. There’s a module on colour
From Martha Lubow : Do you take any notes? 
            From Sarah Spencer : ??? how much homework do you do to be familiar with      the content (to help organize?) or is this cold drawn ??
                   From Alejandro J Muñoz : ??? Do you draw any layout before you start?
From Aneta Key : ???? How do you decide when to write letters sideways / upside down if following a spiral/ curve
From Tanya Gerber : ??? Are you using pan pastels here Avril
From Delphine Boghos I Barcelona/Spain : Did you draw the "Flow" line first and then the titles?
From Melissa Kendzierski : ??? Do you use rulers or any other tools to help you??? From Tanya Gerber : I’ve got a tip… if you want to create straight long titles, I use painters tape, then letter and then take the tape off
From Stacy Weitzner : Tanya, a classic “why didn’t I think of that before?!” So much better than the pencil guides I’ve used…then have to erase.
From Antonio Iturra : How to do you that Pretzel line Avril? That orange one at the left
From Andrew Rose, Vancouver : ??? I like that “Hope like Hell” comment.  Question - What indicators from the speaker or the audience are you listening for that helps you cue the pattern you will use - like the stars on the line?
From Brandon Black : How do you manage to hold white space?
From Sarah Spencer : ??? Heather, whats the first of the Hierarchy? Scan/Read/Study. I love that ???
From Heather, Colorado : Glance, Scan, Read, Study, I use different markers and styles to accomplish this.
From Sofía Donner | Montevideo, Uruguay : ???? What do you do when the speaker is not very clear on the hierarchy of their ideas?
From Maureen Timmons : how did you highlight w circle? great idea!
From Antonio Iturra : ??? How do you work out the visual metaphors you use Avril?
From Sofía Donner | Montevideo, Uruguay : ??? Doesn’t it take a lot of time after the talk when you have a lot of post-its?
From Lisa Troutman : I’m guilty of approaching the speaker after and saying “gosh, I love how you worded that, and I want to be sure I get it right, would you be so kind as to repeat the piece about X?”
From Antonio Iturra : If you build enough confidence with your client and/or the speaker and audience, it's not that hard Lisa. They see the value in what you do :)
From nevada lane : Raquel talks about the challenge of listing for importance in cultures that tend to speak with less emphasis (like Finland or Sweden), too. It’s hard!
From Andrew Rose, Vancouver : Interesting way to be coached for speaking - have someone graphically record the talk and see if the recorder can pull out an interesting structure.
From Sofía Donner | Montevideo, Uruguay : ??? Do any of you do generative scribing? What’s your approach to it?
From Maureen Timmons : what is generative scribing
From nevada lane : Generative scribing is the field that Kelvy Bird started working with the Presenting Inst. and Theory U at MIT
From Ia | Copenhagen : Could we get a copy of the chat comments - there's a lot of rich experience here!
From Sunny | Chicago : I will make sure to include the chat text as a download with the video, which will be posted on the site under For Members [**Heather & Avril will make a short follow-up video to address the key questions and comments]
From yolanda Liman : for digital scribers - I always have a “dotted” brush ready to go to use in way Avril just said
From Karl Mortier, Belgium EVP ;-) : ??? White space is a connector?
From Tim Hamons-Singapore : white space is the JAM! it gives our eyes and mind separation between content
From Yvonne van de Ven : ??? Heather, what Neuland cards were you referring to?
From Daniel Perdigão : Neuland Sticky Cards (large)
From Heather, Colorado : I use Neuland Pin-It Cards to prep for gigs. Item No: 8002.0109
From Sofía Donner | Montevideo, Uruguay : ??? Do you ever google images on the spot for reference?
From Avril | Vancouver : YES!
From Tina Abert : This has been an amazing session - thank you! Would LOVE to see this turned into a multi-part online course ;-)
From Karl Mortier, Belgium EVP ;-) : ??? can you put the reference of this type of paper in the chat, thank you. The reference of brown paper :-)
From Heather, Colorado : Neuland Brown Pinboard paper. There are 3 kinds.
From Sue Fody Denver Colorado : ???How did you get such beautiful circles ??? 
From Lisa Troutman : Sue, Heather has circle templates that are perfect for GR — available on Neuland
From Rosanna (metro Vancouver CANADA) : Heather has some beautiful circle and hexagonal templates for sale
From Martine Vanremoortele : Heather ha a very nice tool for circles - you can buy it now in the Neuland shop
From Antonio Iturra : orbits.html
From Sofía Donner | Montevideo, Uruguay : ??? Do you always have pieces of background paper to correct mistakes? I found an added “O” there
From Tim Hamons-Singapore : my  way of prepping is to breathe, send love into the room, and remind myself that Im/ were here in service to the group :)
From Antonio Iturra : ??? How did you learn that lovely blue lettering you use on this Scattergram Avril? It looks similar to one I saw from Roberto Malpensa, an italian visual practitioner
From Tim Hamons-Singapore : its great to create a few simple sketches especially if you have a series of charts so to differentiate them
From Melissa Kendzierski : I really appreciate your transparency and honesty... you are speaking to every insecurity I've had in live settings and It is so refreshing to know whether seasoned, new or somewhere in between, we are not alone, Thank you!!!
From Amy Sparks : ??? Would love to hear criteria people use to measure improvement
From Heather, Colorado : If you can, Please include your criteria in the chat. Great question Amy!
From Amy Sparks : Thanks all. I’ll post my criteria on my IFVP blog
From Karl Mortier, Belgium EVP ;-) : Thank you for this warm hour with enthusiasm!  That is my lesson learned.  Attitude above technique.
From Tim Hamons-Singapore : there is so much to share. a longer session or webinar would be great!
From Antonio Iturra, Chile : It was great, but it could be used for a longer Masterclass... :D
From Lonni Gill : Hierarchy !!!! I want to learn more about!
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