I am so proud and excited to announce the new board officers for IFVP. We've got a good balance of seasoned and new among the executive team and they are going to push the board and the organization to new heights and achievements.
President: Dr. Phil Bakelaar
Vice-President: Neha Govil
Secretary: Leah Silverman
Treasurer: Chrissie Bonner
As for me, I'm not going away or very far. I am just rolling back into a director role, to be there in supporting the new president and VP in transitioning comfortably into their new roles, but also to do a few other cool things for the IFVP membership and visual practitioner community. I'm not exactly done yet. I remain steadfastedly committed to the work, practice, profession, field and industry being viewed as a legitimate field of work with an academic path to career and practice. I also remain committed to IFVP. It is a lovely, bright, and warm community filled with people who really care about the work, the organization, and community around it. From many of you, I have learned SO MUCH, as a leader, as a visual practitioner, as a person. I have not ceased to be in awe by the endless permutations of how you all individually apply visual thinking to your work. This experience of leading the board during a pandemic was one that challenging but also deeply fulfilling. I am so thankful for all the experiences I acquired during this time in my life.
When I started serving on the board, in 2015, I had 18ish years under my belt as as graphic recorder and facilitator. I had only ever practiced with my circle from the MGTaylor/EY/Cap Gemini/Value Web network. Coming into a community of practitioners who were doing things so differently, using it for different purposes, with different materials and configurations was incredibly eye-opening for me. It made me realize we should be much more connected than we are currently. I want to build bridges from other groups to help bring us together, to galvanize. Whether we are a recorder, a facilitator, template designer, experience designer, trainer, agile/scrum master, teacher or even network engineer - we all share the love and practice of visual thinking. It is wide, varied and fits EVERYwhere. There is not an area in which is does not work.
I'm proud of the work the board has done under my tenure as president, Here a few things the board accomplished while I was president:
► Shifted to a new conference schedule: even years for global summits; odd years for meet-ups
► First ever regional meet-ups in 2021!
► First virtual IFVP Conference in 2020
► Launched of the OLS (Online Learning Series) program
► Launched paid online events for learning and education
► Launched membership scholarship program
► Expanded our sponsors
► Launched the IFVP institute
► Founded the first IFVP chapter in China
► 2019 Business Barometer Survey
I look forward to the great work accomplished under our new officers' vision and leadership. Join me in congratulating them!
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Thank you
Thank you Sunshine,
For everything for have done and everything you give to the community xxx you are and effervescent star indeed xxx