I am founder and CEO of The Grove Consultants International and a master graphic facilitator, information designer, and process designer. The Grove is based in San Francisco and is hub to a global network of associates, partners, and other visual practitioners. I am co-directing The Grove’s Global Learning & Exchange Network (GLEN) focused on evolving new approaches to collaboration and cross boundary work. I am author of the best-selling Visual Leadership Series from Wiley & Sons, including Visual Meetings, Visual Teams, Visual Leaders, and Visual Consulting. I have also designed the Grove’s Sustainable Organizations Model, the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance System, the Grove’s Visual Planning Systems, and author of The Grove’s Facilitation Series. I hold a Masters Degree in Journalism from Northwestern University, a BA in English from Occidental College, and a Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs. In 2013 I was awarded the Organizational Development Network’s lifetime achievement award for creative contribution to the field of OD. For further information—www.grove.com and www.davidsibbet.com