
Hi, my name is Mike Schlegel. My friends call me "Muddy." I am a visual thinker, and I'm finding the courage to be myself through my visual superpowers.

I am a Co-Instructor at The Doodle Institute with Diane Bleck and the Founder of The Whiteboard Academy.  I'm on a mission to unlock awesome and improve lives through visual thinking!  The Whiteboard Academy is 1 part training #VisualTeaching and 1 part doing #VisualPractice.  On the training side, we conduct kick-ass workshops, online training (coming soon), and individualized coaching for aspiring visual thinkers and practitioners.  On the doing side, we work with groups through graphic facilitation and graphic recording and develop custom info-doodles to help explain and illustrate ideas.  

"We believe hand-drawn sketches can unlock innovation, supercharge collaboration, 
and help you get more done at work and everywhere else." - Muddy

I have been working as a facilitator and regional collaboration and innovation specialist in the Research Triangle for nearly 10 years and have a background in watershed science. I'm doing the best with what I have today, and going for a little better than yesterday. #ScrewPerfect  

Thanks for stopping by, Muddy 


Graphic Facilitation, Graphic Recording, Visual Note Taking (Sketchnoting), Visual Coaching, Kick-ass Workshops, Online Training, Illustrations & Infographics


Unlocking Awesome, Encouraging Others

